The Holy Spirit urged me to read more about trips to Heaven as "research." I had several books about this topic vying for my attention. By Tuesday, I had completed the first book. I found the message to be good for renewing my mind to what being a Christian is all about. However, there was one point that I didn’t fully, whole-heartedly, believe should be applied to my life:

One thing I learned was about is the importance of being united with God’s chosen people: Israel. I believe what the Bible says, “I will bless those who bless you,” (Genesis 12:3) but I didn’t really think that giving to outreaches which support to the Jewish people were necessary. I gave occasionally to this or that organization and I thought that was enough however I asked God to correct me if I was wrong.
Wednesday, January 27
I set aside the next three days to completely honor and seek God. I wanted a clear direction for what to do next with Him. This means I didn’t:
- conduct any business
- talk to my mom or sisters except about spiritual matters have any recreation – no games on my iPad or secular TV.
- I was determined to seek only God.
The first day was tough. The seclusion wasn’t as freeing as I hoped. By the end of the day, I was missing the outside world. Did I really need to be excluded from family time at night? Would it hurt to just watch a program with them?