Monday, March 4, 2019

Cursed Objects


VIDEO: Cursed Items

And God did unusual and extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that handkerchiefs or towels or aprons which had touched his skin were carried away and put upon the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. (Acts 19:11-12 AMPC) 

Neither shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be a cursed thing like it: but you shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. (Deuteronomy 7:26 AKJV) 

Paul's handkerchief carried the anointing of God; His very presence upon it. Other objects carried evil, or a curse upon them. We have discovered that certain physical objects can hinder us from: 

  •     Receiving revelation from God    
  •     Concentrating on the things of God   
  •     Receiving healing

Removing items that are opposed to God will deepen our relationship with God. Are you ready to be set free from things interfering with your spiritual life and physical health? We have had many testimonies of freedom coming from removing cursed objects from our home, including one woman who had chronic joint pain for years and the pain instantly left once a series of books were removed.  

About two years ago, I bought the Passion translation bible (TPT). I liked the poetic way it was written and found it easy to read and study. I began having digestive problems, I had an operation a few years prior to this and thought the old problem had resurfaced.   

Some days eating was fine, the next day I couldn't swallow food, even so much as mashed potatoes. Food would get stuck, and I would throw up after an hour or two. It was very uncomfortable until I eventually got sick. This would cause my body to go into shock where I would shiver and go to bed for about 24 hours.   

I was referred to the hospital where a specialist examined me. They felt I needed an operation as I also had a swollen hiatus hernia along with this problem and needed corrective surgery. The problem continued to get worse, some days not eating or living off soups. It became so bad I was afraid to eat and was skipping meals altogether.   

I continued to read, study, and pray for God's healing. The whole problem was getting me down. At intercession prayer I was asked if I had brought anything recently into the house. I mentioned the only thing I had bought in the last year was a new Bible TPT.   

It was immediately shown to be contaminated and verses changed or omitted. I was very surprised that a Bible could be contaminated. I struggled a day or two to throw it away. I finally threw it in the recycling, repented and asked God to forgive my ignorance and cleanse me with the precious blood of Jesus.   

Within a couple of days, my digestion started to improve, bit by bit I could eat normally, even mashed potatoes and solids. I have come to realize that by swallowing the wrong words of that book, I was actually causing physical harm. I thank God for discerning leadership and helping me to see how books can be contaminated, including bibles. Now if I see TPT I have an immediate physical reaction whether it's advertised as that translation or not. Glory to God!  

Jennifer T. 

Over the next year, Jennifer would experience difficulty swallowing, and it was always linked to this book. Trouble would come when she liked or shared posts that contained scripture from that version of the Bible!   

Growing with God  

Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. (Acts 19:19 AKJV)

Destroying written words is not a new thing. As long as there have been books or even scrolls, there have been book burnings. God commanded people to destroy the written works of any prophet who spoke presumptuously by saying “Thus saith the Lord” and the prophecy didn’t come true. This should not be confused with a misguided teaching: yes those should be removed, but it doesn't cause a prophet to lose their calling.  

We see this same harsh response to wrong books repeated in the New Testament with books that have other spirits upon them: witchcraft books. Why is this?   

Many Christians read a book and say they can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit upon the book. Is it inconceivable that the presence of other spirits may be upon books? Perhaps this is why God had His people destroy writings of people who claimed that the information came from God, but was later proven not to be from Him. These writings would allow other spirits to influence people who read or own that book.   

As one who has loved to read books, this was not an easy revelation for me to accept. I believe that this is why God revealed to our team the power of tainted books in a very miraculous way:  

To our great surprise, God revealed that some books about Him could hold an evil spirit. When we talked about this in a Tea & Coffee meeting online, we also spoke about contaminated objects. The Holy Spirit led me to bring a picture from my bedroom for testing. Several people were stunned by the level of contamination. They stated what they were feeling in the meeting and said as much. I set the item aside to deal with at a later time.   

The meeting continued, led powerfully by the Holy Spirit. The picture sat on the desk next to me. As I began to pray for others, my nose became increasingly stuffy, my eyes itched, and my throat was scratchy. The Holy Spirit told me it was coming from the picture. I got up, took it to the garage and threw it into the trash.   

This was how I discovered one of the ways that the Holy Spirit brings discernment to me: each person may experience different sensations. I had received guidance like this before, but only upon entering rooms where there were hordes of demons afflicting someone. Now I knew the Holy Spirit was continuing to use this type of discernment with me.   

A few weeks later, a member of our church asked for help, let’s call her Mary. She was in her 90s and had been collecting books for decades. Confusion plagued her no matter how much of the Bible she read. She couldn’t seem to hold onto new teachings, often asking the same question week after week.  

The Holy Spirit suggested to Mary that perhaps there were spirits attached to her books that were contributing to this issue. I drove 45 minutes to her house on a Saturday to help her discern which books were contaminated.   

On the way there, the Holy Spirit said to put the books in my car and throw them away for her. For this reason, when Mary told me that her husband might be upset if he found boxes of books in the garbage: I offered to take care of them for her.   

There were four large boxes of books that were tainted, written by well-known men of God. I had an additional 20-30 set aside and called members of our team to double-check them for me. All but one of those had to go.   

Not long after I got into the car, my eyes began to itch. “It’s probably just the dust,” I told myself. Halfway home, my sinuses were so clogged, it felt like I had a massive weight upon my face. My nose began to bleed and my back ached like I was carrying sandbags on my shoulders for miles.   

Stopped at a light a few miles from my house, I began thinking about one of the books in the boxes. It really helped me understand the power of the blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus… it neglected to mention that I should only use these things with guidance from the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, a thought came into my head, “Who do you think you are telling people they need more than the name and blood of Jesus?”   

The thought was mean, harsh, condemning. This was not my Counselor who had led me to teach on these things just the week before. This was a demonic spirit! Since I get discernment through my nose, that is why I had the bloody nose first: it was a warning from the Holy Spirit showing me there was a strong enemy spirit present.   

It took a great amount of self-control to not pull over at the next gas station and put all the books into the closest dumpster. If these books could have that effect on me, it’s no wonder Mary was so confused! Oh, and she did let us know that following the cleaning out of her bookshelves, the confusion had left. 

Since this time, the Holy Spirit has been talking to me about books and gifts. There is danger in both of these things.  


We do not want to be religious about getting rid of books. For this reason, I am not going to give a list of which books we have discovered that carry a wrong spirit. Instead, I will give general guidance that the Holy Spirit has shown me.  

 Fiction vs Nonfiction   

Fiction, by definition, means that you are accepting it as “not true.” Where nonfiction is claiming to be true and accurate. This means if you have spiritual nonfiction books, you are accepting it is fact, true. A fiction book, you are accepting it as fake, not true.   

This makes fiction books a lot less dangerous than nonfiction books. Some fiction books can be dangerous for these reasons: 

  •    14.  If they have actual spells in them.   
  •    15. If they have materials that will train young minds in ways against God.   
  •     16. If they have dragons on the cover.   
  •     17. If we focus too much on the things in them.  

As many Christian parents have done, I didn’t let my kids read the Potter series for many years. These books contain magic spells and rituals used by actual witches and are probably the most dangerous of any fiction books. During the first twelve years, I established God's way with them. When they were over the age of 12, I let them watch movies to make the choice for themselves. They only watched the first couple of movies and then lost interest. The Word of God tells us:   

I told my kids why reading these books was not right for many years. Then when they reached the age of accountability where, according to God's Word, they should know right from wrong, I began to let them become exposed to more things. I did this, placing my trust in God to show them right from wrong.   

The Book of Romans, chapters five through seven, speaks of how the law tempts man into sin. When there are rules, many are tempted to see if they can get away with breaking them. There is nothing as alluring as “forbidden fruit.”   

I have heard stories of kids whose parents forbid many things, then when they get out of the house, they go wild. I didn't want a series of books to create this desire in my kids. This is why I let them be exposed to it while under my protection, under my roof.   

The book-burning days of fiction may have been well meant, but I think they accomplished little other than giving into a religious spirit. Many people went out and bought those fiction (untrue) books because they wanted to see what all the fuss was about.   

Nonfiction books are a different matter. As the Book of Acts states, burning may be necessary for those books and artifacts.  

 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching [but diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ], do not receive or welcome him into your house, and do not give him a greeting or any encouragement; or the one who gives him a greeting [who encourages him or wishes him success, unwittingly] participates in his evil deeds. (2 John 1:10-11 AMP)  
This clearly states that if we accept or encourage those who have added to the message of Jesus, then we are guilty of the same sin. There are many ways to encourage or support those with the wrong teachings: 

  1.     Attending their church or meetings
  2.     Purchasing their books   
  3.     Subscribing to their blog or YouTube channel   
  4.     Being a member or partner of their ministry   
  5.     Giving tithes or offerings  

By supporting them you are compliant in their sin. I'm not saying leave if it is just one thing. Pray and ask God to grant them wisdom. Send them a message with scripture to back up what they are doing wrong. If they don't correct the issue, then, if the Holy Spirit tells you to, shake the dust off of your feet and leave. The biggest danger is those walking in unauthorized authority because you will be guilty by association (see Traps When Praying in Removing Attacks course).   

Any book that tells us to trust in a certain prayer or ritual instead of telling us to rely on the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit is provoking us to pride (see New and Old Wineskin in Identifying the Enemy). We have discerned the spirit of Leviathan working through prayer books from many well-known and well-respected ministers. Several people have become instantly healed by removing these books from their homes.   

We are the body of Christ: He is the Head. Would you want your mouth speaking, declaring, or decreeing without your head telling it to? In the natural world, this is a disorder known as Tourette Syndrome. Unfortunately, the body of Christ is suffering from this condition as well.   

What is right for one situation may not be right for another. Just because you find it in the Bible, doesn’t mean that God wants you to declare and decree that in the Name of Jesus for your situation. Jesus only said and did what He heard His Father saying and doing. When our Lord walked this Earth, His disciples asked if they should call down fire upon those who were preaching about Him without being part of His group. He said, no, not at this time. (See Traps when Praying in Removing Attacks course).  

Would an earthly king appreciate it if he gave you his name and you began using it for whatever you thought was right at that moment? Or would he want you to use it for the things he told you to use it for? We have the name of Jesus to use. He told us to use it, but we must read the rest of the book to know how to use it. “If it is the will of God,” then it will be done. How do we know if it is God’s will?  

 “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14 ESV)  
We must be led by the Holy Spirit. Then we will know what to ask for in Jesus’ name and it will be done! Let’s get back to the topic of books: Which books should you get rid of? I will only give you the name of one:  

Keys to Authority for Every Believer   
by Lynn Hardy  

The first edition of my book needs to be thrown out. It was based on the word of faith teaching I grew up under before God brought the deeper revelation about needing the guidance of the Holy Spirit instead of learning formula prayers. If you have a copy you received before 2019, please throw it out and order a new one (they are free).   

You can refresh the Kindle copy from your Amazon account online. I have taken out the old wineskin teaching and put the relevant scriptures to using authority guided by the Holy Spirit in their place. Look in the copyright page for the edition information and the new publication year of 2019.   

We are all learning and growing together. Thank you for your patience as God corrects me when I leap out ahead of Him.  


I would not take a thread or a shoelace or anything that is yours, lest you should say, I have made Abram rich. (Genesis 14:23 AMPC)

Abram knew not to take gifts from people who felt a certain way about him. It is the heart and intent of the giver of the gift that counts. If someone has spoken against you or your destiny with God, you should ask the Holy Spirit before accepting a gift from them. God showed me in a miraculous way that accepting a wrong gift could allow the enemy to hinder you.  

If I hadn’t experienced a miracle to show the truth of what was happening, it would have been much harder to accept. Even though I have seen angels and demons on numerous occasions and helped hundreds of people become free of curses, there is a depth of the influence of the spiritual realm I hadn’t imagined. 

[Strive to] save others, snatching [them] out of [the] fire; on others take pity [but] with fear, loathing even the garment spotted by the flesh and polluted by their sensuality. (Jude 1:23 AMPC)   
It is clear that though we should try to help the lost, we must keep a distance from things that may be made unclean or tainted by the enemy through them. This is often done without their knowledge.  

Paul told the Corinthians that food sacrificed to idols was fine to eat as long as you had faith to do so. However, he warned them not to let their freedom to eat food sacrificed to idols become a stumbling block for other Christians.  

This is not the same thing as accepting a gift from someone. The food was purchased and bought just as we are purchased for God by the blood of Jesus. Also, this warning concerned food and not cursed objects.   

A gift is something you accept and receive from another. If you are aware that the person’s feelings toward you are negative, you are accepting that person’s opinion with the gift. Here is my real-life example:  

I received a gift from someone, let’s call her Rachel, who hadn’t been in my life for a while. Despite the many miracles associated with my calling, she couldn’t accept it. She actually told me that if God chose me for this job, she believed that He chose wrong. This was her opinion about me and I knew this. I was also aware that the Lord was still freeing her from a Jezebel spirit.   

Rachel sent me a Christmas gift and on the same day I came down with an awful cold. The present was in my garage for a couple of days, before it was brought inside the house.   

Since I brought it inside my house, my throat became so sore I could hardly swallow medicine.

The Holy Spirit brought my new gift to mind and the fact I had gotten sick as I received it. I looked at Rachel’s gift and discerned there were lies attached to it.    

“Shoot,” I thought, “Looks like I will have to get rid of the gift.” As soon as I had accepted that thought, the pain in my throat left! It was instantly gone! “Oh no,” I whined, “The Holy Spirit just confirmed that I have to get rid of it!"   

I put the gift back in the garage. I still felt a little yucky and had a bit of a stuffy nose, but nothing like before: I was 90% healed! I pursued the Holy Spirit and asked about the remaining 10%. He stated that it was the natural sickness and the 90% that was an attack of the enemy was now gone. Who knew that a gift could bring a curse or an attack of the enemy!  

 When receiving a gift, we should always listen to the Holy Spirit for direction on what to do with it such as if we should get rid of it or ask God to cleanse it. We can only anoint that which is dedicated to use for God. Is this item suitable for His work? If not, then you cannot anoint it.  

The next day I spent time worshiping and thanking God for what He had done. I also thanked Him for being my healer and provider. By the end of the day I was back to 100% totally healed.  

This is often the missing ingredient. After we receive some relief, do we spend time thanking God and worshiping Him or are we just waiting for the rest of the healing to come to pass? Are we waiting for the plants to grow and bear fruit before we praise God for healing us? Through prayer, the enemy’s attack may be broken; after that, you need to draw close to God and let Him bring the final pieces into place.   

 Removing the Curse  

In many cases, a cursed object can be redeemed, especially if it is something you have purchased. Often items are just defiled by the sin of the people who made it, sold it, or shipped it. Here is a sample of how to pray over an item to removed defilement or redeem it:  

 I want to be holy unto you for your word says ‘Be holy just as I also am holy.’ I take the Sword of the Spirit and I cut all soul ties with all those who made it, sold it, or shipped it.  

I renounce all covenants over these items which are now mine. I renounce all unholy or curse words spoken over it. Lord, I ask that the Blood of Jesus wash these items clean, removing all defilement cursing this object.

It is that simple. Rest in the fact that the blood of Jesus is sufficient. Look for more information on soul ties in the “Where are the Attacks Coming From?” class.

 More Articles on the Courts of Heaven can be found in the: 

Courts of Heaven
tab in the menu at the top.

FREE Books

Believers' Boot Camp series

Believers' Boot Camp - Volume One
Believers' Boot Camp: Volume Two

Many people think of boot camp as a place you train for combat. Any veteran will tell you that basic training is about three things:

  • Knowing what weapons are available 
  • Learning how to use those weapons 
  • Receiving orders and following them 
Believer’s Boot Camp series is a collection of books which teach us how to hear more clearly from God with the goal to ready ourselves for a face-to-face meeting with our Lord, Jesus. The series reveals the “weapons and tools” God has given us and how to use them, so we can bring God’s kingdom to Earth. Each book in the series focuses on a single topic to clearly define one tool or weapon from our Heavenly Father. 

The series uses the Word of God to reveal all that He has given us through Jesus. The Bible is our instruction manual and the Holy Spirit is our guide to understanding it.

Why Doesn't God Speak to Me?

Believers’ Boot Camp, Volume 1

Eager hearts cry out, hoping for a single word to confirm that He hears us. Yet, many times the only sound is silence. Over the years I have heard several reasons why God speaks to some and not to others. One night, as I tossed and turned, I brought each of these reasons before the Lord, stating why each of them did not line up with who I thought He was. 

Words rose from my soul, pleading for Him to reveal why He has remained silent when a single word from Him would mean so much to so many. For the next few hours, God used things I learned about years ago and things I had just discovered to show why He talks to some and why He doesn’t, and in demonstrative ways. 

In His grace, He also showed me how people could hear more from Him. Basic instructions on how to hear more from God and how to be led by Him are included in this book. Thank you for taking time to consider the answers I received and share with you now.

Keys to Authority for Every Believer

Believers’ Boot Camp, Volume 2

There is untapped power that is easy for every Christian to access in the form of authority. The keys to this authority will unlock weapons we can use to free ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. We must be intimately aware of the bounds and limitations of our weapon if they are to be used effectively. 

Find out about your authority:
  • Why you need it.
  • Where it comes from.
  • What you can do with it.
  • How to get more.

Destroying Curses in the Courts of Heaven

Believers’ Boot Camp, Volume 3

Our rights to appear in the Courts of Heaven have been greatly undervalued. The missing key to our authority is here. Jesus has provided the access and the Bible shows us the court procedures. When we learn to operate in our rightful place as children of the Most High, the enemy will be defeated and we will see the victory we have prayed for.

The death of Jesus freed us from the curse of the law. However, we must declare this freedom just as we must make a declaration for our salvation.

  • Can curses be passed to our children?
  • What are signs of a curse?
  • How do you get rid of one?

Every answer is backed by scripture. Come and find out how easy it is to be free!

Roadmap to Heaven

Believers’ Boot Camp, Volume 4

As I meditated and sought the Lord, a vision overcame me. A “Roadmap to Heaven” was deposited into my soul. We are entering a season of unparalleled access to Heaven. Jesus is calling all who are His to visit with Him in the Secret Place of the Most High.

  • What is the Secret Place?
  • How do we enter?
  • What will we find there?

The Bible holds the answers, the mystery has been revealed. As you use the map given in this book to journey to the Secret Place, discover your destiny and find the gifts the Holy Spirit will bring along the way.

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  1. Thank you so much! God and Jesus bless you!

  2. Thank you so much! God and Jesus guided me here and your prayer helped me so so much! Once again, thank you! God bless you!
