Sunday, January 9, 2022

Receiving Strength in the Secret Place

VIDEO: Strength in the Secret Place

Even though the week wasn’t over, it had been a hard one. Two days before teaching about discernment, the Lord was kind enough to bring a correction that will help many of us avoid the traps of the enemy when receiving discernment from the Holy Spirit. I had been under attack from the enemy for a while and couldn’t find the cause.  At one point I literally felt blows to my spirit man. When the situation was resolved, I felt lighter, surrounded by a peace that I didn’t know had diminished until the fullness of it returned. When I look back now, I can see the warning and information given by the Lord when applied to this correction… as they say, “Hindsight is 20/20.”

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Godly Woman

by Denise Little
Godly Woman

As a Christian Believer, one must: 

  • Resist and overcome the pull of the world that rages against the things of Almighty God by living a life contrary to the world’s ways of doing things  (godless society). 
  • View life from a heavenly perspective (the way He sees it). 

Women of God should have a God-centered perspective of the world by viewing everything from this vantage point. Unlearning incorrect information may take some time because of the persistent barrage of misinformation that continues to intertwine itself into the culture of today, but it can be done.