And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set My face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. (Leviticus 20:6 KJV)
The term “familiar spirits” is used in the Bible to describe those who use information gained through demons on a regular basis. In those days, these people would have included psychics, tarot card readers, palm readers, witch doctors, along with wizards. Is it harmless to get your palm read? Or to go to a tarot card reader?
According to the above scripture, there is a stiff penalty for associating with spirits who are not from God: He turns His face from us. This means we will lose God's favor and His presence. If you were cut off from your people, you couldn't go to the temple to pray or to offer sacrifices. For Christians this means that your prayers will be hindered if you listen to familiar spirits!
Besides this direct reference, many Christians use the term “familiar spirit” to refer to a particular aspect of Satan’s network. We know that Satan frequently tries to imitate God. Most of us are aware that we have a “guardian” angel assigned to us (Matthew 18:10, Hebrews 1:14). Satan isn’t omnipresent. He can only be in one place at one time. The Devil assigns demons to humans to keep an eye on them and to harass them. Sometimes Christians refer to these minions as “familiar spirits” because they know us and have often been passed down through our family line.
Many spirits can speak to us which are not from God:
But even if we or an angel from Heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to and different from that which we preached to you, let him be accursed... (Galatians 1:8 AMPC)
This verse shows that there are angels who are not from God (demons) who will try to influence us by speaking to us through our thoughts:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ… (2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJV)
Have you ever had a thought that seems so repulsive that you think, “Where did that come from?” The Holy Spirit can speak directly to our mind and so can the enemy’s minions. Can these other spirits speak to us in the Courts of Heaven? When we have help from others? Is there a danger of misinformation?
There are many voices we can hear when we go to the Courts:
- The Holy Spirit - our Counselor
- Demonic spirits who are attached to us
- Our human spirit/heart or soul/mind
Our goal is to hear only from our Counselor, the Holy Spirit. However, we need to be aware that there are spirits working for Satan who have access to the Courts as well. How could justice be done if the Accuser wasn’t allowed to speak his side and give accusations? When Satan accused Job it was in the assembly gathered before God in the Courts.
There is a safeguard. God is truth. In His presence, lies will be immediately corrected. God is also just and justice cannot be done if there are lies. Whatever the enemy speaks in the Courts, it will be true, but Satan has a few tricks up his sleeves. After hundreds of visits to the Courts a pattern has emerged. You can identify other spirits by the following traits:
- They may be incredibly difficult to understand
- The message may be conveyed in a harsh way
- The enemy uses curse words
- They may muddy the water with too much information that doesn’t pertain to what is being addressed
If we see these traits in the CoH, then we know that the person giving the information may be hearing from a spirit that is not the Holy Spirit or speaking from their own soul. The Word tells us to correct our brothers gently, lest the same should come upon us. Kindness, gentleness, compassion, understanding: These fruit of the Spirit should always be present when correcting our sisters and brothers in Christ inside or outside of the Courts.
The Lord revealed a way our prayer team could ensure that we would only hear from our Advocate and our Counselor, the Holy Spirit. We can ask for the protection of our Lord and Advocate in what we receive. You can only do this when other spirits do not have a place in your life. If you have a familiar spirit whom you have responded to, it will still have the ability to influence you unless you are guided by someone who is able to come under the protection of our godly counsel.
You should watch for the traits of the enemy when receiving information in the Courts. The Holy Spirit will give clear, precise words. Let me give you an example. I went to the Courts and asked my Counselor to reveal what was against me. These are the words I received:
- Birthright
- Challenge
- Hardening
- Heart
- Hindrance
- Hope
- Calling
These words are very straightforward, almost forming a sentence. “Hope” and “Calling” are used in the beginning of Ephesians chapter four where it speaks of the different functions within the body: Apostle, Evangelist, Prophet, Pastor and Teacher. It didn’t take long for me to realize the meaning of the charges against me.
In previous online Agape Christian Fellowship meetings, I stated that I was looking for a real pastor to take over this meeting. It seemed that was not what God had planned. I had to repent and accept the Courts of Heaven - Worldwide (Facebook group) and the fellowship meeting as the ministry God has assigned to me. I was hindering His work by not accepting these things as part of my calling.
Can you see how clearly those words applied? If you go to the Courts with someone who has a spirit attached to them, they may receive words that are incredibly difficult to understand. The enemy will use the most obscure, hard to understand, offensive words as charges. This doesn't mean that the Holy Spirit can’t still lead you to the truth - He knows all things, praise God! It is a good head’s up about the person who received such words as well.
Demonic spirits can also give prophecies or “words of knowledge” about true things to distract you. A word about a financial blessing or renewal is always God’s will and truth, but that may not be what God wants discussed at this moment. This is a tactic of the enemy to distract you from the true purpose: repenting (turning from) your sin so you can be truly free!
The Human Soul
After receiving charges, we may still hear from our soul and for this reason, we must use the gift of discernment. If what we have received is not from the Holy Spirit but from our own human mind, He will show us. The Courts of Heaven is not a playground for “young” Christians. In youthful enthusiasm, sometimes we rush into things, being pushed by our own excitement instead of waiting on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Lord knows I’ve been guilty of this in the past!
It takes time to become mature in the ways of God and discern what should be spoken now and what should be held for later time. We must discern what is from our human observation and what is from the Holy Spirit. I don’t always get it right, but my failures are fewer and farther apart.
Growing up in God is greatly aided by time spent learning about Him. Having knowledge about Him through His Word is the first step. Another key for quick growth is having the ability to accept correction from Him through the words of other Christians which are confirmed by the Holy Spirit. Growing isn’t always fun and exciting. At times you will be tested, but passing those tests brings you to a new level with the Lord.
I pray that you will continue seeking, learning, and growing in God’s ways…
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Believers' Boot Camp series
Many people think of boot camp as a place you train for combat. Any veteran will tell you that basic training is about three things:
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- Learning how to use those weapons
- Receiving orders and following them
The series uses the Word of God to reveal all that He has given us through Jesus. The Bible is our instruction manual and the Holy Spirit is our guide to understanding it.
Why Doesn't God Speak to Me?
Eager hearts cry out, hoping for a single word to confirm that He hears us. Yet, many times the only sound is silence. Over the years I have heard several reasons why God speaks to some and not to others. One night, as I tossed and turned, I brought each of these reasons before the Lord, stating why each of them did not line up with who I thought He was.
Words rose from my soul, pleading for Him to reveal why He has remained silent when a single word from Him would mean so much to so many. For the next few hours, God used things I learned about years ago and things I had just discovered to show why He talks to some and why He doesn’t, and in demonstrative ways.
In His grace, He also showed me how people could hear more from Him. Basic instructions on how to hear more from God and how to be led by Him are included in this book. Thank you for taking time to consider the answers I received and share with you now.

Keys to Authority for Every Believer
There is untapped power that is easy for every Christian to access in the form of authority. The keys to this authority will unlock weapons we can use to free ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. We must be intimately aware of the bounds and limitations of our weapon if they are to be used effectively.
Find out about your authority:- Why you need it.
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- Why you need it.
- Where it comes from.
- What you can do with it.
- How to get more.
Destroying Curses in the Courts of Heaven

Our rights to appear in the Courts of Heaven have been greatly undervalued. The missing key to our authority is here. Jesus has provided the access and the Bible shows us the court procedures. When we learn to operate in our rightful place as children of the Most High, the enemy will be defeated and we will see the victory we have prayed for.
The death of Jesus freed us from the curse of the law. However, we must declare this freedom just as we must make a declaration for our salvation.
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Our rights to appear in the Courts of Heaven have been greatly undervalued. The missing key to our authority is here. Jesus has provided the access and the Bible shows us the court procedures. When we learn to operate in our rightful place as children of the Most High, the enemy will be defeated and we will see the victory we have prayed for.
The death of Jesus freed us from the curse of the law. However, we must declare this freedom just as we must make a declaration for our salvation.
- Can curses be passed to our children?
- What are signs of a curse?
- How do you get rid of one?
Every answer is backed by scripture. Come and find out how easy it is to be free!
Roadmap to Heaven
As I meditated and sought the Lord, a vision overcame me. A “Roadmap to Heaven” was deposited into my soul. We are entering a season of unparalleled access to Heaven. Jesus is calling all who are His to visit with Him in the Secret Place of the Most High.- What is the Secret Place?
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The Bible holds the answers, the mystery has been revealed. As you use the map given in this book to journey to the Secret Place, discover your destiny and find the gifts the Holy Spirit will bring along the way.
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- What is the Secret Place?
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