Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Key to Meditation & the Secret Place

The Key (meeting)

Basics of Meditation

Meditation means to engage in contemplation or reflection. It is letting go of all the things in this physical world and focusing on something in your mind; your imagination. The Bible tells us that our thoughts are important. Scripture instructs us in what we should be meditating on:
“I will meditate also on all Your work, and talk of Your doings.” (Psalms 77:12 AKJV) 
“Meditate on these things; give yourself wholly to them; that your profiting may appear to all.” (1 Timothy 4:14 AKJV)
Paul instructs Timothy to meditate and think on the gifts that had been given to him by the Holy Spirit. When we meditate on the things of God it honors Him. This allows Him to reveal more about those things to us.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Message of 313

[God’s voice may be heard] if there is for the hearer a messenger or an angel, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to show to man what is right for him [how to be upright and in right standing with God]... (Job 33:23 AMPC)

Interpretation is one of the gifts from the Holy Spirit. It is like a word of wisdom or knowledge. Often this gift is used for dreams, as with Joseph and Daniel, but it can be applied to numbers when they come in a miraculous way. 

When I renewed my relationship with God, many years ago, He spoke audibly to me and brought an instant, miraculous healing. My husband's response was, “Good for you, Honey, mind over matter.” 

Concerned that he would grieve the Holy Spirit, I began praying for him each night, asking God to speak to Him so that Tony would not miss what He was going to do in my life. After two months, in September of 2001, my husband received the same numbers on his food receipts three days within the same week. Tony, as an Engineer, knew that this was a mathematical impossibility, much like being struck by lightning nine times. Because the cycle of numbers changes each day, it may be many years before a person might receive the same numbers twice. The number Tony received was 313. Here is what the actual numbers mean according to God’s word:

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Is this the Holy Spirit?

One day I received a disturbing message from a student at the CoH Academy. She said, “I asked the Holy Spirit if everything was going to go my way in an earthly court case, and He said that I would be victorious. I even tested it by asking if Jesus the Messiah came in the flesh and the spirit agreed. But I lost! How can this happen?” 

During my prayer time, I asked the Holy Spirit what happened: “You are never wrong, so it wasn’t you who spoke to her. Was there something wrong with the way the spirit was tested? Is there a way to get around the testing?” 

He replied, “I wasn’t speaking to her. The enemy wasn’t speaking to her. It was her own mind. She is too focused on the problem. She is a young Christian; her soul is still dominating her spirit. She has placed this problem above God; it is an idol. Her own mind is in control of it.”