Thursday, February 18, 2021

Women Leaders in the Church

Women Leaders in the Church

When I was called into ministry, I asked the Lord, “Are you sure it should be me? Many countries and denominations don’t believe a woman can lead or teach.”

Before I began the journey into my calling, Holy Spirit took me through the New Testament scriptures which spoke about women leaders and put my heart to rest. In the last week, the Lord has sent seven people to inquire about women leaders. It is clear that He wants me to share what He has revealed with His body. Paul wrote many letters instructing Christians addressing how the Body of Christ should be organized. In order to fully understand what he wrote, we must:

Closing Spiritual Gates

VIDEO: Closing Spiritual Gates

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 AKJV)

Apostle Paul identified three parts of every person when writing to the Thessalonians. We are a spirit being in a physical body with a soul (mind, will, and emotions). God is composed of three parts, and so are we as His children. The spirit part of our being is perhaps the most challenging to understand but it is also the part of our being that connects with our Father the most. We can and should connect with our Father, who is a Spirit, in Heaven. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Avoiding Potholes and Staying Out of the Weeds

VIDEO: Avoiding Potholes and Staying out of the Weeds

There are two early journal entries I’d like to share with you to help you stay out of the weeds and avoid potholes while you travel the Roadmap to Heaven. 

October 2014

The trials of the last month fade away as I recall how the Lord has confirmed that this is His will for me. I am going to Heaven! Maybe not tonight, maybe not even tomorrow, but He has confirmed it: I'm going. The miraculous story of meeting my 8 ft tall guardian angel, Richard, face to face can be found in the free book Angels Believe in You.

The time in between breaths becomes long as my body completely relaxes. Inside, I rejoice, praising the Lord for His goodness. I am going to Heaven! My spirit soars with joy. Tingling power flows across my body in a strong wave each time I breathe out. Again and again power floods through me like waves of a torrential downpour.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

4th Signpost: Time


VIDEO: 4th Signpost - Time

The fourth and final signpost is “time.” It was the hardest to accept and I have struggled with it from the beginning. One of my earliest journal entries I recorded while walking the Roadmap, when I was very young in my walk, shows how God revealed this to me in a very personal way:

As I get comfortable for the night, my thoughts speaking to the Lord aren’t exactly respectful: “What's up with this? All day today your presence has been surrounding me and now that I'm here, ready to meditate, You don't even call me? I thought we were practicing for Heaven?”

Silence surrounds me. The Big Guy offers no guidance.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

How Jesus Cares for You

Today in the Secret Place the trend of rhyming in song continued. I won’t repeat the exact words, for that is very time consuming. Here is the gist of what occurred: 

As we danced, the Lord pointed out that I was slightly out of rhythm with Him. Mentally, I went through all the challenges and tasks awaiting me and released each one to Him. Our steps finally came into sync. 

There was one particular project heavy upon my heart. I began asking the Lord questions about it. Our steps got out of sync once more. A wistful smile played about His lips as He asked, “Do you not yet realize that I know what your need is? That I will bring the answer without you asking?”

The questions reminded me of my earthly husband, Tony. He is happiest when he is hard at work and loves to take care of me. Not only is he a great provider for our family, he has let me follow my heart into ministry though it isn’t something he understands or desires. 

I looked to the Lord for confirmation, “Is that why You brought Tony to be my husband? So that I would experience what it is like to be taken care of? To have my needs thought of on a daily basis?” 

“It is the way a husband should care for his wife and am I not to be your Husband?” He answered.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Meditation and Journaling

VIDEO: Meditation and Journaling

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty… (Psalm 91:1 AMPC)

God would not have Moses begin this Psalm by stating it only applies to those who are dwelling in the Secret Place if it were not His will for all of His people to come and be with Him there. This is a Moses generation. God wants to bring all His children to “The Secret Place” where He can speak to them face-to-face. He did this with Moses, and it was His original intent to have all of Israel visit Him this way.