No matter how clearly you believe the Lord has spoken, I have learned to keep my heart open for the Holy Spirit to refine what He has said. For years I believed what I had heard a TV minister say, “We are to command our angels for they are ministering spirits.” When I was asked where that was in the Bible, I began to search the scriptures.
First I searched all the books by the minister who I was quoting. The only verse quoted was, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Heb 1:14). When I opened the Bible, the Holy Spirit brought me to the story of the Lord when He was on trial. At this time He was operating as a “son of man” meaning that He was doing what men could do on the Earth when they are aligned with God's will. The Lord Himself said that He could, “ask the Father” who would send legions of angels to rescue Him. If the Lord had to ask the Father for angelic assistance, then so do we. Since that time, I am careful to verify quotes from ministers before I put them in my books.