Creation reveals who our Creator is (Romans 1:20). Scientists have discovered that matter is organized and beautifully choreographed far past the atomic level. When we pass from this life to the next we won’t be set free to wander about, flying through the clouds doing whatever we please. This would be very disorganized and result in chaos. It is not God’s way. He is orderly. In the second verse of the bible, we begin learning about our Creator’s opinion considering organization.
And the Earth was without form and void… (Genesis 1:2 AKJV)
The Hebrew word translated “without form” is tohuw, which means formless, a place of chaos and confusion. The word “void” in Hebrew is bohuw and means an indistinguishable ruin. Jewish mothers often refer to a messy teenager’s room as a “Tohuw ‘eth bohuw,” meaning a disorderly, chaotic ruin. This state of the Earth referred to in Genesis was not acceptable to God who began establishing order from the chaos.