Thursday, August 18, 2022

God's Way Prophecy


VIDEO: God's Way Prophecy (Waves Over Barriers in San Francisco) 

VIDEO: Confirmation Removal of Leaders

It was because you, the Levites, did not bring it up the first time that the Lord our God broke out in anger against us. We did not inquire of him about how to do it in the prescribed way. (1 Chronicles 15:13 AMPC) 

Israel’s desire was to have the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem. However, when they went to retrieve it, they placed it on a cart instead of having the Levites carry it on poles. They didn’t worship Him in the way He had shown them and because of that, one man died as the Lord “broke out” against them.  God is getting ready to "break out" once more.

The Lord sent a dream showing the coastline of San Francisco. As I hovered over the waters waves began crashing over the land. Thus saith the Lord:  

  1. “You need to turn your back on churches under the influence of Jezebel.”  
  2. “The waves south of San Francisco will break over the barriers in August, 2020.”  
  3. There will be little loss of life, for this is a warning of what is to come.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Higher Levels

VIDEO: Higher Levels

The Throne of Grace is a wonderful place to be. The attacks of the enemy are lessoned so that we can grow and learn about God. As you begin to grow in the knowledge of the Courts you may begin to wonder: 

  • Are there different levels at the Courts of Heaven? 
  • What do we need to do to operate in the Courts with more authority? 

Just like court systems across the world, your actions will carry more weight in the Courts in Heaven as you come into higher positions within the army of God. If you have been called to a specific office in the body of Christ, that will be the first thing that determines how much weight your actions carry. For example:  

  • A doctor's testimony about a medical condition carries more weight. 
  • A prophet is the mouthpiece of God and their words hold more weight than someone who isn’t.  

There is great power in the words of anointed people. Think about what the Lord said to Jeremiah:

Monday, August 1, 2022

What Must be Freely Given?

VIDEO: What Must be Freely Given?

We know that God has instructed through the Holy Spirit that everything Agape Christian Fellowship provides is to be freely given, because this is His way. One of the hardest teachings we come across as we do the Courts of Heaven (CoH) Academy is the challenge to separate ourselves from a global church system where the ‘normal’ these days is to charge upfront for what belongs to and comes from God.  

This includes:  

  • Copyright worship music  
  • Teachings and revelation, including seats in a conference, and classes 
  • Prayer, counseling, and personal ministry 

The reason why many find it difficult to accept this teaching is that this is opposite to the way most of the body of Christ has been operating. Charging for things in the church has been introduced and has increased greatly over the last 50 years. For most of us, it’s the only way we’ve seen the church operate. People have been so indoctrinated by a church culture, where you pay upfront for the things of God, that many just accept it as God’s way of doing things. 

However, just because the majority do it a certain way doesn’t make it right. The only true measure of what is right is considering how it stands up against the word of God. Truth has never been about following the majority. In fact the Bible says: