By Denise Rodgers
After reading about the Courts of Heaven, I wanted a more in depth study. I sat and listened to my husband teach on a few of the topics about the Courts of Heaven and my interest was peaked.
I stumbled upon Lynn’s books online for free. I read them and asked if I could join via Facebook, the group,
Courts of Heaven - Worldwide. I was accepted immediately. Little did I know my life was about to change for the better. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me here!
I had been going to the Courts of Heaven - Worldwide several times. I had many things cleared out of my life. My first session of repentance, I felt the miraculous, tangible, presence of an angel touch my stomach with healing. I had been dealing with an issue of Leaky Gut. Like many in the group, I just wanted to be closer to the Lord and find out why I hadn’t been TOTALLY healed. I knew it was something Spiritual blocking my healing.