Thursday, January 31, 2019

How to Hear from God

How to Hear Video

God chooses to whom He will speak to audibly for the reasons explained in the prior chapters. However, this doesn’t mean that God will not speak to you. There are many ways God speaks to people, but the top four are:
  1.   Through His Word (the Bible)
  2.   A small quiet voice
  3.   A louder, internal voice
  4.   Through dreams, visions and prophecy

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Conversations with God 2

Conversations with God #2
by Sandra Perreaux

Did you know that our thoughts travel as neural pulses in our brain at a speed of around 275 mph? No wonder it can be difficult to ‘catch’ what God is saying to us because He speaks to us through our thoughts. Journaling helps us to slow down our thoughts so we can connect with our motor skills and write them down. From this we can learn to slow our thinking down and begin to hear God’s responses to our conversations with Him.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Super Blood Wolf Eclipse - Trouble is Coming, Are you Ready?

The Eclipse on January 21, 2019

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity…” (Luke 21:25) 
“I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and clouds of smoke…” (Acts 2:19)
God’s Word is clear, He will speak through the things happening in the Heavens. How do we know if God is speaking through something in the Heavens? These are what I believe to be the necessary factors to make it a sign from God:

1/2 a Healing & Tainted Gifts

1/2 A Healing and Tainted Gifts

God is big and His ways are higher than our ways. I will not presume to know all the reasons why God does or does not do things. Recently, though, He showed me a couple of the reasons why He may only bring a partial healing.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Testimony: Unauthorized Authority Backlash

By Denise Rodgers

After reading about the Courts of Heaven, I wanted a more in depth study. I sat and listened to my husband teach on a few of the topics about the Courts of Heaven and my interest was peaked.

I stumbled upon Lynn’s books online for free. I read them and asked if I could join via Facebook, the group, Courts of Heaven - Worldwide. I was accepted immediately. Little did I know my life was about to change for the better. Thank you Holy Spirit for leading me here!

I had been going to the Courts of Heaven - Worldwide several times. I had many things cleared out of my life. My first session of repentance, I felt the miraculous, tangible, presence of an angel touch my stomach with healing. I had been dealing with an issue of Leaky Gut. Like many in the group, I just wanted to be closer to the Lord and find out why I hadn’t been TOTALLY healed. I knew it was something Spiritual blocking my healing.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Pleading the Blood, Binding, & Bloodlines


      Video: Binding, Bloodlines, and Pleading the Blood


 Is there a right and a wrong way to “plead the blood”? If we do it wrong, can it bring trouble upon us?  

The phrase “plead the blood of Jesus” has been around for a long time. For decades, many in the body of Christ have embraced the revelation that this is not “begging” for God to do something but appropriating all that Jesus has done through the shedding of His blood. To understand what “pleading the blood” is, we need to know a bit about Heaven’s organization.  

…Shall not the Judge of all the Earth execute judgment and do righteously? 
(Genesis 18:25 AMPC

Monday, January 7, 2019

Conversations with God by Sandra Perreaux

How to Journal (video from Sandra Perreaux)

Conversations with God is an example of some of the Conversations I have had personally with God in the form of journaling. Not being one who journals or has ever really journaled anything, it was a whole new concept that the Holy Spirit introduced me to in order to teach me how to recognize the voices of Father God, Jesus His Son and of Holy Spirit Himself  (they are all slightly different) and so began a journey of writing my prayers and the responses I received as I sat quietly and listened.