Video: Baptism of Repentance for Leaders
Should Leaders Receive a Baptism of Repentance?
Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. (1 Timothy 5:19-20 ESV)Those called to lead the Body of Christ should be ready to turn from sin. If they do not, the consequences should be severe. When they see something in the Word of God, they should be willing to do it. If a person has taught others or been part of church leadership, we need to look to the Bible to see how and why a baptism of repentance should take place.
But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee and escape from the wrath and indignation [of God against disobedience] that is coming? Bring forth fruit that is consistent with repentance [let your lives prove your change of heart]... (Matthew 3:7-8 AMPC)The religious leaders, the Sadducees and Pharisees, had gone astray. They had failed to teach people the truth about God’s ways. When leaders go astray, most of their followers will be unaware of their sins and/or the need to turn from them. Sin puts us in agreement with the enemy. Technically, these leaders are leading a rebellion against God and the Kingdom of Heaven. Furthermore, others may be harmed by the enemy so if a leader has taught God’s children wrongly, they need to quickly address that mistake to get them out of harm’s way. This is why they needed to have actions in agreement with repentance, not simply a baptism of repentance.
This doesn’t mean they cannot have a baptism of repentance. There is one leader who did undergo a baptism:
Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John to be baptized by him. But John protested strenuously, having in mind to prevent Him, saying, “It is I who have need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?”Jesus was without sin, so why did He need to be baptized for repentance? He was born, circumcised, and living as part of a corrupt religious system. The baptism of repentance for Him was a declaration of turning from the wrong teachings and practices of the religious leaders of His time. Today’s leaders can follow His example:
But Jesus replied to him, “Permit it just now; for this is the fitting way for [both of] us to fulfill all righteousness [that is, to perform completely whatever is right].” Then he permitted Him. And when Jesus was baptized, He went up at once out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he [John] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him.
And behold, a voice from Heaven said, “This is My Son, My Beloved, in Whom I delight!” (Matthew 3:13-17 AMPC)
- Jesus was without sin.
- First deal with the sin in your life.
- Be willing to turn from all the wrong ways and sin, fully.
- If you learn that you have been leading others in a wrong way, know that you have been helping God’s enemy; leading a rebellion against God’s kingdom.
- Begin to correct the wrong teachings
- Jesus was baptized
- Receive a baptism of repentance to state you are turning from the corruption in the churches today.
- Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness enduring trials and temptations.
- There may be a certain period of time before God restores His relationship with you.
- Jesus taught what was true.
- Begin ministering what you now know is truth.
This is the process of repentance for leaders who find out they have been teaching and leading others wrongly. Many years ago, God sent a dream that showed the time that is now upon us and these necessary steps.
The Dream:
I approached a door to a home with a pen and paper in hand like a reporter. An elderly, overweight woman opened the door and showed me inside. She used a walker to get to the kitchen table. The old woman sat at the table with two fully grown sons. They began serving themselves out of a large pot of beans and hot dogs until it was running off the sides of their plates. All the while they complained about how much the electric bill cost and other expenses.
I followed the old woman as she left the table. There was a toilet by the big window in the living room which she sat on to do her business while telling me how their ticket has been stolen. If they had that ticket, then everything would be taken care of. She claims they had nearly completed the ticket.
The home is the worldwide church. The people inside are the leaders. A table is where messages on the Word of God is served (spiritual food).
Beans and hot dogs are basic food they are giving out. Hotdogs are meat, but just barely. They are processed and not healthy.
Serving themselves a ridiculously big portion says that the church leaders today are appropriating more money for themselves than their plate will hold and using expenses as an excuse.
The toilet is where we eliminate sin from our lives. The fact that it is in front of the window says that the whole world witnesses this sin in the Church as they use expenses as an excuse to receive more.
I left the home and went to a business. There was a scruffy-looking guy behind a messy desk. On the shelf behind him, I saw a piece of paper. “You know that doesn’t belong to you.” I told him.
“Ya, so?” he replied.
I held out my hand, demanding “I’m returning it to its rightful owners.” The guy huffed but handed over the paper which was the ticket the old woman spoke of.
It is a crossword puzzle in black and white: three sections across and three sections down. All but the top middle section was filled in. Looking at the blanks, I realized I knew the missing words. Two of them were sex and ice.
The scruffy-looking man is Satan; mentioned as a thief mentioned in the Bible.
The ticket contains the keys to God’s kingdom; access to Heavenly visits so He can move through His church upon this earth. The knowledge of this was almost complete but Satan works hard to take God’s truth, which is the true power, out of the Church.
The “winning ticket” is a crossword puzzle: words in black and white. This is the Bible whose words hold the answers and the power we need. Three is the number of divine perfection and completion; there is a missing piece to make the Word complete.
The two words: “Sex” is an intimate relationship with God and “Ice” is water which is the Holy Spirit. But this water is frozen, and hard to access. God wants a relationship with us through His Spirit, but the Holy Spirit isn’t flowing, we need to tend to that relationship.
From there I found myself flying, without a plane, into a beautiful, picturesque farm. The central buildings were surrounded by acres of farmland and some woodland as well. Like Superman, I landed gracefully in the area between the main house and the barn. It is quiet, with little activity. A young man in his early 30’s has lead lines trailing a group of four horses behind him, one has a rider. I knew that this is the farmer’s son. A farmer approached. “What happened?” I asked, thinking this place should be busier.
The farmer gestured for me to follow him to the barn. I saw what happened in a sudden vision: the two robust men I had met at the house pulled hay bales out from the bottom of the stack which caused the rest of the bales to fall into a heap.
“They really made a big mess.” The farmer told me. I nodded my head in agreement, “They will have to pay to have this fixed.” He says sternly.
I sighed, knowing it was true. Instantly, I was standing at the door to the old woman’s home. Her son answered. I handed them the ticket, which is now complete, and said, “You know you did some damage at the farm. You are going to have to give half of this to pay for the damages.” The man agreed and took the ticket from me.
I soared into the farm again. This time, the area was bustling with activity. The farmer’s son was leading a group of people out on horses. Servants were preparing more horses for departure. The farmer greeted me warmly. He ushered me to the barn where the hay was neatly stacked. I asked, “Have they begun making their payments?” The farmer nodded. I continued, “Are you sending more supplies to them?”
This time he smiles sheepishly, “Not yet, but soon.”
After completing the ticket I visited the “farm” which is Heaven. In the Bible, God is referred to as the farmer who sows seed. His Son is Jesus. Jesus is ready to lead people into heavenly visits: He is leading so the timing is when He chooses. The reason people haven’t been visiting Heaven is found in the barn.
“Hay” is our power supply from Heaven. It is food for horses which represents power. God’s leaders here on Earth have been disrupting the flow of the power supply by taking their supplies in a wrong fashion.
Paul wrote long letters called “books” to the Galatians, Thessalonians, and so many others. Though the paper cost money and even more money was used to send the letters teaching the new churches God’s ways, Paul never charged a fee for these.
And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give. (Matthew 10:7-8 AMPC)These are the instructions from our Lord. We are to freely give all teaching and prayer. If it comes from Heaven, it needs to be free for it comes from God! This is not about secular endeavors. We are all created by God and are equipped by Him to do many things. But this is a fallen world. If it is a worldly endeavor and not something for God, we can and should charge what the Lord says to charge for it.
Take no gold nor silver nor [even] copper money in your purses (belts); And do not take a provision bag or a wallet for a collection bag for your journey, nor two undergarments, nor sandals, nor a staff; for the workman deserves his support (his living, his food). (Matthew 10:9-10 AMPC)It was an act of faith to walk to a town without so much as an extra pair of shoes. They were investing all they had into the endeavor their Lord sent them to do. They had to trust that after people received what God sent through them, people would reply by supporting those who brought it. This was a common principle among God’s people, but new Gentile converts had to be taught this:
If we have sown [the seed of] spiritual good among you, [is it too] much if we reap from your material benefits? If others share in this rightful claim upon you, do not we [have a still better and greater claim]? However, we have never exercised this right, but we endure everything rather than put a hindrance in the way [of the spread] of the good news (the Gospel) of Christ.
Do you not know that those men who are employed in the services of the temple get their food from the temple? And that those who tend the altar share with the altar [in the offerings brought]? [On the same principle] the Lord directed that those who publish the good news (the Gospel) should live (get their maintenance) by the Gospel. (1 Corinthians 9:11-14)When we receive something of spiritual value, we give back to acknowledge God. If we purchase something in advance we are acknowledging the man who brought it. When you acknowledge God, there are benefits:
Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support]. Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. (Galatians 6:6-8 AMPC)This is the context and primary application of reaping and sowing. You acknowledge God by sowing to the physical support of those teaching you God’s ways. Then God will move in greater measure into your life.
Most ministers no longer give the revelations God gave them away for free, instead, they charge a price for the revelations that are recorded in books and have even begun charging for conferences and even prayer. This destroys the system God has in place.
If you are a leader and have contributed to corrupting God’s system, what do you need to do?
God, the Farmer, says there is a penalty for what you’ve done. Christ paid the price for our sin so that we have eternal life, however, sometimes there are consequences for that sin while we are still on Earth. For instance, if you kill someone, God forgives that sin, but you may still have to serve some time in jail. For leaders of His church, the Lord had this message:
God’s hand is now off the churches. Some will be shaken and fall. Some will be shaken and turn, some will be afflicted in secret and join the enemy in a corrupt one-world church that allows the worship of other gods. For those who turn, show actions in agreement with your repentance:
- If you have stolen from God by selling what belongs to Him
a. Please see: God’s Way Prophecy for more information
b. Give 50%
So then Zacchaeus stood up and solemnly declared to the Lord, See, Lord, the half of my goods I [now] give [by way of restoration] to the poor... (Luke 19:8 AMPC)
d. As with Jesus and shown in the dream, it may take time for God to restore the connection once you comply.
- For a church that has been defiled by allowing leadership by those who operated with Jezebel and Leviathan (pride).
- Please see Traps When Praying, Attacks from People, and Persistent Sickness and Disease to see if this applies to your church board.
- Confess your sins - the wrong way you have gone.
- The church is defiled.
- Break down, build anew.
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FREE Books
Believers' Boot Camp series
Why Doesn't God Speak to Me? |
Keys to Authority For Every Believer |
Destroying Curses in the Courts of Heaven |
Roadmap to Heaven |
- Knowing what weapons are available
- Learning how to use those weapons
- Receiving orders and following them
Believer’s Boot Camp series is a collection of books which teach us how to hear more clearly from God with the goal to ready ourselves for a face-to-face meeting with our Lord, Jesus. The series reveals the “weapons and tools” God has given us and how to use them, so we can bring God’s kingdom to Earth. Each book in the series focuses on a single topic to clearly define one tool or weapon from our Heavenly Father.
The series uses the Word of God to reveal all that He has given us through Jesus. The Bible is our instruction manual and the Holy Spirit is our guide to understanding it.
- Knowing what weapons are available
- Learning how to use those weapons
- Receiving orders and following them
The series uses the Word of God to reveal all that He has given us through Jesus. The Bible is our instruction manual and the Holy Spirit is our guide to understanding it.
Why Doesn't God Speak to Me?
Eager hearts cry out, hoping for a single word to confirm that He hears us. Yet, many times the only sound is silence. Over the years I have heard several reasons why God speaks to some and not to others. One night, as I tossed and turned, I brought each of these reasons before the Lord, stating why each of them did not line up with who I thought He was.
Words rose from my soul, pleading for Him to reveal why He has remained silent when a single word from Him would mean so much to so many. For the next few hours, God used things I learned about years ago and things I had just discovered to show why He talks to some and why He doesn’t, and in demonstrative ways.
In His grace, He also showed me how people could hear more from Him. Basic instructions on how to hear more from God and how to be led by Him are included in this book. Thank you for taking time to consider the answers I received and share with you now.
Keys to Authority for Every Believer
There is untapped power that is easy for every Christian to access in the form of authority. The keys to this authority will unlock weapons we can use to free ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. We must be intimately aware of the bounds and limitations of our weapon if they are to be used effectively.
Find out about your authority:- Why you need it.
- Where it comes from.
- What you can do with it.
- How to get more.
- Why you need it.
- Where it comes from.
- What you can do with it.
- How to get more.
Destroying Curses in the Courts of Heaven
Believers’ Boot Camp, Volume 3
Our rights to appear in the Courts of Heaven have been greatly undervalued. The missing key to our authority is here. Jesus has provided the access and the Bible shows us the court procedures. When we learn to operate in our rightful place as children of the Most High, the enemy will be defeated and we will see the victory we have prayed for.
The death of Jesus freed us from the curse of the law. However, we must declare this freedom just as we must make a declaration for our salvation.
Our rights to appear in the Courts of Heaven have been greatly undervalued. The missing key to our authority is here. Jesus has provided the access and the Bible shows us the court procedures. When we learn to operate in our rightful place as children of the Most High, the enemy will be defeated and we will see the victory we have prayed for.
The death of Jesus freed us from the curse of the law. However, we must declare this freedom just as we must make a declaration for our salvation.
- Can curses be passed to our children?
- What are signs of a curse?
- How do you get rid of one?
Roadmap to Heaven
As I meditated and sought the Lord, a vision overcame me. A “Roadmap to Heaven” was deposited into my soul. We are entering a season of unparalleled access to Heaven. Jesus is calling all who are His to visit with Him in the Secret Place of the Most High.- What is the Secret Place?
- How do we enter?
- What will we find there?
The Bible holds the answers, the mystery has been revealed. As you use the map given in this book to journey to the Secret Place, discover your destiny and find the gifts the Holy Spirit will bring along the way.
Freely given at:Amazon Kindle – iBooksPaperbacks at:
- What is the Secret Place?
- How do we enter?
- What will we find there?
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