Protection Video
Recently, the local news announced that although the CoronaVirus (Covid-19) was not yet in my city or even my state, it wasn’t a matter of if, but when this deadly disease would appear. The long incubation period with no symptoms, along with the contagious nature of this flu, enables it to spread despite the in-home quarantine measures imposed.
What would you do to keep from catching this disease?There is a way to stop this virus from spreading to you and your loved ones. During a time of worship the Lord brought me into a face-to-face visit with Him. The situation with the virus was heavy upon my heart. I asked Him, “What can we do about the CoronaVirus?”
He said, “If my people will seek My face and take shelter in Me, this virus will not affect them. Does it not say so in Psalm 91?”
Jesus said, My people, this means Christians who become children of God through Him. We have a new covenant with our Lord and it is through Him that we receive from God. The Lord also mentioned a chapter in the Bible: Psalm 91. It was easy to figure out what He was referring to:
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. For he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the deadly pestilence. (Psalms 91:2-3 AKJV)A refuge is a place we run to when we are in trouble. A fortress is a place of strength. How do we take shelter? We run to the Lord and seek Him in prayer. When we do, we will be delivered from the “the snare of the fowler,” meaning the plans of the enemy and from “deadly pestilence.” The definition of a pestilence is a wide-spread, often deadly disease such as the CoronaVirus.
We don’t want to take this verse out of context. To strengthen your faith that God will protect you, let’s look at what God did for His people in the wilderness.
He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1 AKJV)God is the most powerful being who has ever existed. He created both Heaven and Earth. If you are in His shadow, you are close enough to Him that nothing will harm you. In order to be close to God, you must know about Him.
If you don’t yet know about the “secret place” I hope you will begin learning about it. That is where Jesus meets with us face-to-face and where I heard from Him about this plague. We are creating a new course at the free online Courts of Heaven Academy at Agape Christian Fellowship to teach the body of Christ about it.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. For he will deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, And from the deadly pestilence. (Psalms 91:2-3 AKJV)We have already discussed what these two verses mean however, just like being saved from eternal suffering, you must “say” something in order to receive from God. How ever you put it into words, the Lord will know what is in your heart. I like to quote what the Bible says to honor Him. Whatever way you choose to do it, by appropriating the protection of the Lord each day, you are protected from both of these.
He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings shall you trust: His truth shall be your shield and buckler. (Psalms 91:4 AKJV)Have you ever seen a mother hen with her chicks? When there is danger, those chicks run to her and she puts her wings over them. Whatever is coming must go through her to get to those chicks. That is what God is saying. If you will run to Him each day and get so close that you are in His shadow (Psalm 91:1) then He will protect you so that nothing can harm you, not even this disease.
A shield and a buckler protected you in the front and back. You need to learn “His truth” to be protected from what is in front of you (your future) and what is behind you (sins of the past). The Bible is where you can find this truth.
You shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day; Nor for the pestilence that walks in darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday. (Psalms 91:5-6 AMJV)When you begin learning about God’s truth, you will no longer be afraid. No matter what is going on in the world, you will know that you will be safe. On September 11, 2001, one of the largest terrorist attacks in our history occurred on American soil.
The Twin Towers fell and as tragic as that loss was, it could have been much worse. Hundreds of people were headed to their workplace late because of an “idea” came to them of something that they should do that morning: menial tasks such as driving a child to school or bringing a spouse a special breakfast. For reasons they could not explain, they just felt like something was more important than arriving at work on time.
There is a mature Christian in Boise, Idaho who was scheduled to fly to New York for a meeting in the Towers that day. While boarding the plane he heard God say, “Don’t go.” God didn’t say why or what would happen, but he obeyed that strong voice that comes from the Holy Spirit and it saved his life.God is able to keep us safe.
A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked. (Psalm 91:7-8)It doesn’t matter if you are hearing from God through the Holy Spirit or if you are a new born Christian who gets “nudges” about what to do. God is able to keep you safe! In the Courts of Heaven Academy at Agape Christian Fellowship, we have a course to help you hear more from God. We hope you will come and learn how to hear more from our Heavenly Father!
Signs, Wonders, Miracles, Dreams, Angelic Encounters, and Heavenly Visits
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FREE Books
Believers' Boot Camp series
Many people think of boot camp as a place you train for combat. Any veteran will tell you that basic training is about three things:
- Knowing what weapons are available
- Learning how to use those weapons
- Receiving orders and following them
Believer’s Boot Camp series is a collection of books which teach us how to hear more clearly from God with the goal to ready ourselves for a face-to-face meeting with our Lord, Jesus. The series reveals the “weapons and tools” God has given us and how to use them, so we can bring God’s kingdom to Earth. Each book in the series focuses on a single topic to clearly define one tool or weapon from our Heavenly Father.
The series uses the Word of God to reveal all that He has given us through Jesus. The Bible is our instruction manual and the Holy Spirit is our guide to understanding it.
Volume 1: Why Doesn't God Speak to Me?
Eager hearts cry out, hoping for a single word to confirm that He hears us. Yet, many times the only sound is silence. Over the years I have heard several reasons why God speaks to some and not to others. One night, as I tossed and turned, I brought each of these reasons before the Lord, stating why each of them did not line up with who I thought He was.
Words rose from my soul, pleading for Him to reveal why He has remained silent when a single word from Him would mean so much to so many. For the next few hours, God used things I learned about years ago and things I had just discovered to show why He talks to some and why He doesn’t, and in demonstrative ways.
In His grace, He also showed me how people could hear more from Him. Basic instructions on how to hear more from God and how to be led by Him are included in this book. Thank you for taking time to consider the answers I received and share with you now.
Eager hearts cry out, hoping for a single word to confirm that He hears us. Yet, many times the only sound is silence. Over the years I have heard several reasons why God speaks to some and not to others. One night, as I tossed and turned, I brought each of these reasons before the Lord, stating why each of them did not line up with who I thought He was.
Words rose from my soul, pleading for Him to reveal why He has remained silent when a single word from Him would mean so much to so many. For the next few hours, God used things I learned about years ago and things I had just discovered to show why He talks to some and why He doesn’t, and in demonstrative ways.
In His grace, He also showed me how people could hear more from Him. Basic instructions on how to hear more from God and how to be led by Him are included in this book. Thank you for taking time to consider the answers I received and share with you now.
Keys to Authority for Every Believer
There is untapped power that is easy for every Christian to access in the form of authority. The keys to this authority will unlock weapons we can use to free ourselves from the attacks of the enemy. We must be intimately aware of the bounds and limitations of our weapon if they are to be used effectively.
Find out about your authority:
- Why you need it.
- Where it comes from.
- What you can do with it.
- How to get more.

Find out about your authority:
- Why you need it.
- Where it comes from.
- What you can do with it.
- How to get more.
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